Renting a boat is one of the market’s most advantageous forms of financing for boats.
The boat becomes the only security via an ownership reservation so that the bail or pledge letters become unnecessary. In consultation with us, a financing is made and an amortisation plan is added. Of course, the loan can be solved free of charge prematurely. The only thing the customer needs to do is fill in a loan application. The application is usually treated on the same day. If you are interested in getting help with your boat purchase via Swedbank Finans, please contact:
Swedbank Finans AB
105 34 Stockholm
Visiting Address: Junohällsvägen 1
Phone: 08-585 922 00
Info/Credit Department:
General questions:
Wasa Kredit AB
Visiting address:
Phone: 08-585 922 0
Info / Credit department:
General questions:
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