SEK 1,052,000 excl VAT
Hanse 385 2016 S/Y Grete
This Hanse 385 is equipped for charter with 3 cabins and in the standard outrush interior.
Navigation equipment
B&G Navigation Package with double steering wheel, B&G multifunction screen log, Lot Temp, B&G wind instruments, autopilot, steering compass, B&G Vulcain map plotters
Safety equipment
Delta anchor and anchor chain, electric. Whistle complete lifesaving collar, fire extinguisher, manual and electrician, county pump, emergency control, bath bridge, radar reflector, electrician. anchor games, Delta anchors and heresy, electrician, mistlur
Cruising package, Cockpit floor in teak, footrest in cockpit, battery charger 30 Ampere, land power cable, cockpit shower, hot/cold, winch handle, wind gauge, flagbar, fenders, tampas, spray hood, bathing platform, lazybag and lazyjacks, Volvo Penta D1-20 with saildrive, horizontal lattor, self-striking fock
The interior
Diesel heater, fridge, CD radio, water heater, shower
Mahogany interior
Acacia floor
Extra Add-on
See also standard specification
This used charter boat assumes that it is placed for continued charter sits at BohusCharter or placed in its own business when the boat’s price is excluding VAT. VAT is paid when the boat is taken out of charter activities. As a financier, you will have time to sail the boat and surplus is paid seasonally.
You fund the charter boat ex VAT via Bohuscharter’s Charter concept CharterSmart. We sign a full charter agreement with you and you will have an option to take the boat out of business after 2 seasons. Financing is offered through Swedbank Finans or Wasa Kredit.
We reserve the right for any errors in the specification and for the right to correction in the specification in order that any deviations in the specification may exist. The equipment and specification that is on board is the one that applies.
We reserve for any defect in specification and for the right to correction in the specification to include any discrepancies in the specification. The equipment and specification on board is the one that applies.